
Desert Rock Festival

today 25.10.2022my_locationMetal Arena

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Once a year, tens of thousands of people gather in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to create Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. In this crucible of creativity, all are welcome.

A unique and distinctive culture emerges from the Burning Man experience. Rooted in the values expressed by the Ten Principles, this culture is manifested around the globe through art, communal effort, and innumerable individual acts of self-expression. To many, it is a way of life.
To get a sense of the richness and dynamism of the Burning Man experience as a way of life, explore our Timeline and story collection.

Begin 25.10.2022 H 4:00 pm
End 25.10.2022 H 11:00 pm
Location Metal Arena
Address Nebraska 21A Spur, Nebraska
Link https://pro.radio
Phone +55 555 55 5 55
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